To create our edition, we have a specialized an unique working team and we are only using materials of the highest quality – sophisticated and high-grade – to fit the book’s content in the best way possible, but also to honour the intentions of the author: to create unique masterpieces with their impressive art, but also with the most precious materials.
Time is of the essence – that is why our book project tooke more than a year: the time-consuming pre-press work, the comparing travels, test printings and corrections even of the smalest differences; the highly sophisticated printing process with metallic applications; the individual cutting of the pages; and finally the binding of each volume and the creation of the boxes, done completely by hand using centuries-old craftsmanship (which especially is time-consuming).
All these parts of our work together allow us to reach the challenging goal we established for every single edition published in our companies: to recreate a single unique masterpiece, of course perfect in a technical way, but even more to catch ideas, visions and atmosphere of the time of the original’s creation, to experience the culture, even to be able to feel the stories behind the artwork.